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临沂师范学院音乐系 阅读次数:4322



    临沂师范学院音乐系创建于 1996 年,其前身为临沂师专艺术系音乐专业,始创于 1987 年, 1993 年开设音乐函授教育, 2001 年招收本科生及本科函授生。到目前为止,共有普通在校生 862 人,函授生 700 余人。

    音乐系现有音乐学,舞蹈学两个专业。设理论、声乐、钢琴、舞蹈四个教研室。全系共有教职工 55 人,其中教授 2 人,副教授 15 人,讲师 12 人,硕士研究生 6 人,绝大部分教师已接受了研究生课程班的培训。

    音乐系注重加强对外交往,聘任俄罗斯喀山艺术大学钢琴教研室主任、教授、功勋演员拉丽莎来系任教,经常同其他兄弟院校的专 家 教授进行学术交流。同时还特别加强师资队伍的建设与培养,为提高业务水平,鼓励他们进名校,拜名师,几年来先后有十多位教师到中央音乐学院、中国音乐学院、上海音乐学院、北京舞蹈学院等国内著名高校进修学习,从而使音乐系中青年教师的教学水平和学术水平有了很大提高,多位教师在国家及省级声乐(器乐)技能比赛和音乐创作比赛中获奖。



A Brief Introduction

To Music Department of Linyi Normal University

    Music Department of Linyi Normal University was established in 1996.Its predecessor was music speciality of Arts Department of Linyi Teachers College established in 1987.Correspondence education was opened in 1993,and in 2001,the department began to enroll undergraduate students and correspondence undergraduate students.The current enrolled full-time students have already reached 862, and correspondence students more than 700.

    The Department includes two specialities:musicology and dancing,and it has four teaching and research sections : theory,vocal music keyboard,and dancing.There are 55 faculty and staff members,including 2 professors,15 associate professors,12 lecturers,6 graduates.Most of the faculty have been trained at the graduate course class.

    The Department has invited Professor Lalisa,an exploit performer and director of the teaching and research section of Kashan Arts University,Russia to teach and give lectures and it often invites experts and professors of partner universities to conduct academic exchanges.The Music Department attaches great importantance to the construction and cultivation of its faculty,so in order to promote the teachers' professional level,the teachers are encouraged to enter famous universities and follow eminent professors for pursuing further study.Over ten of the teachers were selected and sent to famous universities for pursuing fnrther study,such as Central Conservatory of Music,Chinese Conservatory of Music,Shanghai Conservatory of Music,and Beijing Dance Academy,thus the teaching and academic level of the Music Department's teaching body of the young and the mid-aged have greatly improved.A number of the Department's teachers have won prizes at vocal music of instrumental music competitions and music composition competitions at the national or provincial levels.

    The Music Department has always been adhering to the idea of running a school that teaching is fundamental and the department is based on quality following the guidance of teacher and letting students be the main players.By emancipating the mind and striving to make innovations,the Department stresses the central position of teaching and strengthens the concept of ”quality first”.As a result,teaching and scientific research are advancing side by side.Since the recent years,five pieces of monographes and teaching materials have been published together with over a hundred theses published in academic journals at national or provincial levels.

    The teaching facilities of Music Department are advanced and multi-functional.The Department owns many kinds of teaching places,such as the music hall,fender classroom,fender exercising room,computerized music teaching system,dance room and multi-media classroom.The audio-visual education ranks the front row of the whole province.


发布于:2006/8/16 14:59:47

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