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东华大学拉萨尔国际设计学院 阅读次数:2985

About Raffles Design Institute,Shanghai

Established in 1994, Raffles Design Institute, Shanghai, a collaboration between Raffles Design Institute, Singapore and Dong Hua University, China, enjoys pioneer status as one of the earliest approved Sino-Foreign Joint Venture Schools in Shanghai, China.

Raffles Design Institute, Shanghai is located within the campus of Dong Hua University, which is one of the most prestigious top-ranking universities in China. The college enrolled its first intake of students in March 1995 and since then has seen a rapid rise in student population to more than 2000 today.

Raffles Design Institute, Shanghai is committed to nurture creative talents and design management expertise for the arts and design industry and has built up strong reputation for producing the most talented young designers and creative professionals in the region.

About Raffles Design Institute

The Raffles Design Institute is one of the leading design and management education providers in the Asia Pacific region. The institute has its roots originating in 1990 when the first Raffles Design Institute was established in Singapore with the help of the Singapore Economic Development Board. After more than 10 years, the Raffles Design Institute provides much sought-after quality education through its network of schools around the world.

The Institute has established schools in major cities in the Asia Pacific region - namely Singapore , Kuala Lumpur ( Malaysia ), Bangkok ( Thailand ), Sydney ( Australia ), Mumbai ( India ), Ho Chih Minh ( Vietnam ) and cities of Shanghai , Beijing , Guangzhou , Huizhou, Changchun , Ningbo , Changzhou and Wuhan in China .

Together with our partners and affiliated colleges, we are committed to continue to provide leadership in our role as a premier provider of quality education.


发布于:2006/8/16 10:16:01

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